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Ludoteka ClasiKa help

1. What is Ludoteka ClasiKa?

5. The rating system

2. Ludo+

6. Play in Ludo and Tournaments zones

3. The game zone

7. Frequent asked questions

4. Rules of tournaments

4. Rules of tournaments

Tournaments in 2 words

How to play

Synchronized tournaments Synchronized tournaments

KO tournaments KO tournaments


The final phase

Tournaments by divisions Tournaments by divisions

Regular phase

The final phase

Tournaments in detail


Start of the games

Final of the games

Complete the participation in the tournament

Selecting players for each game




Exemptions and recoveries

Simultaneous final phases

Simultaneous final phases

Connection problems



Terms of use

Tournaments in 2 words

The tournaments in Ludoteka has the following features:

  • There are tournaments for most of the games.
  • There are three formats: synchronized tournaments (synchronized tournament), KO tournaments (KO tournament) and Tournaments by divisions (tournament by divisions)
  • Tournament run fast. They never last more than two days, and may be divided in two phases: qualifying and final.
  • Usually a new edition of every tournament is played every week.
  • The system is automated (registering, starts of the games, qualifyings and eliminations,...).

How to play

This is what you have to do to take part in tournaments:

  • Read the next tournaments, and register.
  • Get into the tournamets zone Tournaments zone within the scheduled timetable. You will see the next tournaments to be played.
  • If you aren´t still registered, just press the Register button.
  • If you are ready to play, mark Yes on the option Ready to play?.

Synchronized tournaments Synchronized tournaments

All players join to play simultaneously. Several rounds are played, starting at fixed intervals, until only one player or pair results winner. All the games in every round start at the same time, and all the rounds have a fixed time to finish. So, when you finish a game you have to wait until the start of the next round.

You start the tournament with a fixed number of lives. You lose one or more lives whenever you don´t win a game, and you are out of the tournament if you lose all your lives.

You have to get into the tournament game zone Tournament zone before the scheduled time (according to Spanish time) for the start. Otherwise you will get out of the tournament.

KO tournaments KO tournaments

Player who take part in KO tournaments must pass a qualifying phase before playing the final phase.


Every KO tournament has an scheduled timetable, so that you can play at any moment while the qualifying is open.

You start the tournament with a total amount of games to play and a fixed number of lives. You lose lives whenever you don´t win a game, so that:

  • You reach the final phase if, after playing all the games, you keep at least one life.
  • If you run out of lives, you are out of the tournament.
  • You´ll be also out of the tournament if you dont´t play the total amount of games.

The final phase

You must be qualified to take part in the final phase.

The final phase is played inmediately after the qualifying, or the next day, and it runs as a synchronized tournament.

Tournaments by divisions Tournaments by divisions

Players are classified in divisions according to their results in previous editions of the same tournament.

Regular phase

You have to play a fixed amount of games in a scheduled period of time, and you get one these four possible results according to the score you achieve:

  • You reach the final phase (only if you compete in the 1st division).
  • You descend to the next lower division.
  • You stay in the same division.
  • You ascend to the next higher division.

The final phase

You must take part in the first division and be qualified to take part in the final phase, and it runs as a synchronized tournament.

Tournaments in detail


Tournaments are published a few days before starting; every tournament has its own timetable (according to time in Spain). One edition of every tournament is played weekly, usually the same day of the week.

You can register yourself:

  • Before the start of the tournament, when it is already published.
  • During the qualifying (KO tournaments) or the regular phase (tournaments by divisions), until a certain moment from which would be unlikely to have enough time to complete the qualifying.

You can read the tournaments that are just started or about to start in the tournaments page, so that you can take part inmediately.

Start of the games

Games in synchronized tournaments and final phases start automatically at the scheduled time for every round.

During the qualifying or regular phase the system starts games periodically between players that are ready to play. If there is enough amunt of players, games are started once in a minute; otherwise, starts may delay until five minutes. When the qualifying time finishes no more new games are started, but started games are completed normally.

Games are rated

Final of the games

If one game is cancelled during the qualifying or regular phase, it doesn´t count for the tournament. In the final phase players are not allowed to cancel games, but it may be cancelled by the system if there is some kind of problem that locks the game; in this case, all players involved would reach the next round as if they won the game.

During the qualifying, in elimination games like remigio and julepe, eliminated players have to wait until the game is finished in order to start a new game.

Games in synchronized tournaments and final phases must be ended before the next round is due to start. Usually the time reserved is enough to finish most of the games, but if they last too much the system shortens the time to decide moves and disallows pauses; finally, if necessary, the game is abruptly ended and the result is evaluated according to the state of the game.

When the number of players is already very reduced and any of the games is still being played, the next round starts later.

Complete the participation in the tournament

You are registered in a tournament, but maybe you won´t finish your participation. There are 3 possiblities concerning this event:

  • You haven´t played any game: in this case your entry is deleted, and there will not be any trace of your participation.
  • It is a KO tournament and you leave before losing all your lives: in this case you just get out of the tournament without reaching the final phase.
  • It is tournament by divisions and you play at least one game, but you leave before playing the necessary games to keep your divisions, ascend or reach the final phase: in this case you descend or lose the option to ascend or qualify for the final phase.

Selecting players for each game

The system groups players in games according to the following priorities:

  • Balance players according to the results obtained in the same tournament, this is, putting together players with the same number of points or lives and games played. Only results in the current tournament are taken into account.
  • Avoid reapeating players that match in the same game.
  • Players waiting to play for several minutes are more likely to be introduced in a new game.
  • The favourite and unliked players lists are not taken into account. This means that you could be eventually forced to play with someone you don´t like.
  • In the case of tournaments by divisions, you play with players in the same division. Players in different divisions could rarely be matched to avoid being forced to wait too long.

All these priorities are taken into account to match both pairs and opponents.


At the start of the qualifying of the synchronized and KO tournaments, and all the final phases, players have the same number of lives, and they are eliminated when those lives are over.

If the number of lives is only one, it is a knockout system, so that players are eliminated whenever they don´t win the game. Otherwise, lives are counted as follows:

  • If the draw is possible in the game (chess, draughts and some other board games), you lose one life if you draw, and two lives if you lose.
  • In remaining games for two players or teams, you lose one life if you lose the game.
  • In individual games between more than two competitors, the second loses 2 lives, the third loses three, and so on.


During the regular phase of the tournaments by divisions the system assign an score to each player to decide if they reach the final, ascend, descend or stay in the same division.

Comparing with the KO tornaments, in tournaments by divisions:

  • The number of very unbalanced games between skillful and untrained players is reduced.
  • Few games have to be played to decide the qualifying, because it is only possible for players in the first division.

The following aspects are taken into account to assign a division to every player:

  • Before the first edition of the tournament, the best players in the ranking, and those who have got good results in some other tournaments of the same game, are placed in the first division.
  • All the other players compete in the lowest division the first time they play the tournament.
  • Players who don´t take part in the tournament during 3 months descend one division.


During the tournaments by divisions the score is counted as follows:

  • You start with 0 points.
  • If the draw is possible in the game (chess, draughts and some other board games), you win one point if you draw, and two if you win.
  • In remaining games for two players or teams, you win one point if you win the game.
  • In individual games between more than two competitors, the first wins as many points as players take part in the game, the second gets two points less than the first, the third another point less, ... and the last no points.

Exemptions and recoveries

As explained before, during the qualifying and regular phases players could be forced to wait some minutes before starting a new game if the amount of players is not enough. During the final phase it si very different because all players start their games at the same time, so that there are two special cases:

  • In the first round, and maybe in the second if players have more than one life, one or more players could be exempt.
  • In successive rounds, when some of the players have been already eliminated, the system recovers someone among the players just eliminated, giving them one more life.

In this cases, the system selects according to the following priorities:

  • Higher priority to players who have not been previously exempt or recovered.
  • Higher priority to those that have wasted less lives during the final phase.
  • Higher priority to those that have wasted less lives during the qualifying.
  • Results in previous editions of the same tournament.

Simultaneous final phases

Whenever a synchronized tournament or final phase starts, the system eliminates players who are already taking part in another final phase or synchronized tournament. However, in the case of final phases they keep the right to play directly the final phase of the next edition of the same tournament.

Simultaneous final phases

In the case of board games, players who reach the semifinals (after winning at least one game) of the tournament get the direct access to the final phase during the next four editions.

Connection problems

If there is any global problem in the system that affects the running of the tournament, the following changes are could be made:

  • If it happens during the qualifying of a KO tournament, nothing is changed.
  • If it happens during the regular phase of a tournament by divisions, all players that lost their division without completing the necessary games recover their division.
  • If it happens during final phase, players who did not take part, or who did not complete because they lost connection, get the right to play directly the final phase of the next edition of the tournament.

This changes are made only if the problem is related with the Ludoteka server, not if the problem is related with the player´s connection or computer.


According to the Ludo+ subscription, there are two kinds of tournaments: open and reserved for subscribed players:

  • Open tournaments are available for all the players signed in Ludoteka
  • In order to take part in a reserved tournament your subscription must be valid when you sign in the tournament.


Winners and players who arrive to the latest rounds receive some Ludo+ subscription period.
Sometimes there is also a small prize for reaching the final phase or ending in the first division.

Terms of use

Competitors accept that their tournaments games history is public and may be consulted by all the users of Ludoteka.

Any user may get into any tournament game to view, but players keep the option to forbid viewers chatting.

Players who join the tournament commits themselves not to do anything that could distort the results and not to breaking the rules of good behavior and sportiness.

Ludoteka reserves the right to expel from the tournament, or even deny the use of this service, to the players who breaks these rules.


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