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Liar cards



How the game goes on


Playing the cards

Take the cards out of the game



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Liar cards: Image of the game


This is a Spanish card game.

The Spanish pack has 40 or 48 cards distributed in four suits: oros (golden coins), copas (glasses), espadas (swords) and bastos (sticks); the picture cards are sota (jack,10), caballo (horse,11), and rey (king,12). Most games are played with the 40 cards pack (pictures and cards from ace to seven), but some of them need also eights and nines.

Two or more players may take part individually at Escoba.

The version that we offer is available for 2, 3, 4 or 5 players


Cards are dealt so many times as necessary for some of the players to reach the final score decided before the start of the game. It is also possible to play one only hand.

This version offers the option to choose between playing to reach 1, 3 and 5 points or won hands

Every hand is won by the first player who get to discard from all the own cards.

How the game goes on


The first dealer is randomly selected.

The dealer shuffles the cards, gives the pack to the player in his left to cut it, deals all the cards between all the players, starting by his right.

Playing the cards

The player on the right of the dealer makes the first move, that entails in discarding on the gaming table from one, two or three cards, as he pleases, and saying at the same time the combination of cards (all with the same number) that he stands to have thrown (eg: 1 seven, or 2 twoes, or 3 kings). The number of named cards must be the same that certainly are thrown but, however, the player may lie about the precise cards thrown.

Then the next player on the right has two options:

  • To take as true the combination standed by the previous opponent; if so, he will has simply to throw more cards on the pile (one, two or three), standing that those cards have the same number as the previous player said. In this case, the next player will have the same options.
  • On the contrary, the combination standed by previous opponent can be considered false, in which case it must be said at the same time that the cards thrown by the opponent player are put face up. If it was true, the incredulous must take all the cards in the pile; if really it was false, the liar should take the pile.

The opponent on the right of the player that took the pile will start newly throwing cards.

Take the cards out of the game

When one of the players takes the pile of cards, if he has one or more groups of cards with the same number, has the option to discard from those cards, placing them on another pile of cards that will remain out of the game until the next hand.


Jokers may be used (if so, the deck in Ludoteka has 4 jokers for this game). They are always valid to throw downface, but they can´t be used to discard the groups of the four cards of the same picture after being forced to get the cards in the center.


The hand is finished when one of the players gets to discard from all his cards.

When one of the players throws his last cards, the version here offered checks automaticaly if he is telling the truth

The game is won by the player who discards so many times as agreed at the start of the game.

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