Sudoku game entails filling a board with numbers so that each one appears once in every row, in every column, and in every square area delimited by a bold line.
It is a very popular solitaire game practiced by people who like numbers games.
Sudoku game
Sudoku game
If you think you are good solving sudokus, Ludoteka is your place to prove it. Here you will be able to do countless sudokus comparing your results with the rest of the players.
The games of Sudoku online in Ludoteka are randomly generated, and their difficulty varies according to the amount and location of the numbers shown at the beginning, and the board size (from 6x6 to 9x9).
Whenever you play a rated solitaire game in Ludoteka, you are competing against other players. Up to 25 different players will play the same game, during a maximum period of two days. For more information see the solitaire games.
To know more about the game Sudoku, you can …
… read the detailed Sudoku game rules
… and see some statistics of Sudoku