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How the game goes on

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Cephalopod was invented by Mark Steere in 2006.


Two players take part in the game; they employ a 5x5 board, but there is also the option to use a 3x5 board to play shorter games.

Players add dice of different colours (white and black in Ludoteka) on the free squares of the board.


The goal is to occupy the majority of the squares at the end of the game.

How the game goes on

Moves entail in placing an own die on an unoccupied square.

Sometimes it is posible to make captures, deppending on the dice on the adjacent squares (vertically and horizontally adjacent) to the placed die:

  • The capture is not possible if the amount of adjacent dice is less than two. In this case the new die must show the value 1.
  • If there are two adjacent dice and their sum is less than 7, both are captured, and the new die shows their sum.
  • If there are three or four dice, the player can choose which are captured, being at least two of them whose sum is less than 7.
  • There is no option to capture when, even if there are two or more adjacent dice, the minimum sum is more than 6. In this case the new die must show the value 1.

Captured dice are returned to their owner, so that they may be used later during the game.

There is no option to pass.

The game ends when the board is filled. Draws are impossible because the number of square is not even.

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Related links

BoardGameGeek - Cephalopod

Cephalopod rules by Mark Steere


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