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Tute subastado


The auction

Four players variant


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This is a very popular Tute variant.

Due that it is similar to the Tute played in pairs, further on just the differences are explained:

  • The game is played between 3 players, but there is a special variant for 4 players.
  • The distinctive feature of this game is that in every hand one of the players compete against the two other two.
  • A normal Spanish card pack is used, but twoes are removed.
  • All the cards are dealt at the start of the hand; no trump is set at this moment.
  • There is an auction in which players bet on the score the are able to get with their cards.
  • The player who states the highest amount must choose the trump suit, and will play against the other two, trying to reach that score.
  • At the end of the hand only the sum got by the winner of the auction is taken into account. If it is the same or higher than the bet, the same player is the winner of the hand; if don´t, the other players win the hand.
  • Canticles are made in the same way as Tute by pairs, but only the player who won the bet may do it (canticles made by the other players would not be significant).
  • There is no option to chant Tute.
  • The game finishes after playing a certain amount of dealings agreed before the start of the game.
  • The game is won by the player that reaches the highest score. If two players finish with the same score, the game will continue until the draw is broken.

The auction

Players must bet under the following conditions:

  • The leader in the corresponding deal starts the auction.
  • The amount must be a multiple of 5.
  • The first player must choose 60 or more points; otherwise, he must pass.
  • The remaining players must exceed the previous amount; otherwise, they must pass.
  • The auction finishes when all the players have made their first bet. There is no option to reply.
  • There is a second type of auction: players have the option to replay, and it continues until two consecutive players pass.
  • The player who has won the auction chooses the trump suit; this player will be the winner of the hand in the event of reaching the amount pointed in the auction.
  • If all payers pass, the hand is not played and the cards must be dealed again.

Four players variant

Here are the specific rules for this variant:

  • In every hand one of the players stands out of the game.
  • After the dealing and the aution, the fourth player exercises the role of censor, taking and watching the cards of the player who has won the auction, and optionally increasing the amount of the bet in ten points.
  • If the censor passes, the cards are returned to the player who won the bet.
  • If the censor increases the amount, the cards ramain in his hands, and the other player gets out the deal.


In this game usually players bet real money. In Ludoteka the scoring has been adapted in order to decide an only winner for every game:

  • The player who won the auction receives (if the score has been reached) or gives (if don´t) to the other two players the same amount of points.
  • If the bet was at least 120 points, the amount is doubled.
  • There are two possible goals in the game: the first one entails in summing the highest score during a previously agreed amount of deals; the second option is to play until the first player reaches a certain amount of points.
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  • When pleaying to reach that score, the winner of the deal receives an additional sum of 150 points; if there are two winners, 75 point for each of them. In the 4 players variant, there is a fixed increase of 50 points for the fourth player that did not take part in the deal.
  • In both cases, the game will continue whenever there is a draw in the first position.
  • If one of the players points twice or three times in a row the highest amount and does not reach it any of them, the program could prevent him from betting in the next deal in order to break possible draws between the other players.

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