
Puzzle online

To play Puzzle online choose between these variants

1 jugadores Petits puzzles, de 15 à 30 pièces


0 jugadores Puzzles de taille moyenne, de 40 à 80 pièces


3 jugadores Des grands puzzles, de 100-160 pièces


Puzzle games online: Ludoteka creates new puzzle games every day, and each one is unique and different from all the others. The system uses one database with more than 15,000 images, and a cropping algorithm that generates pieces of different shape and size.

Whenever you play a rated solitaire game in Ludoteka, you are competing against other players. Up to 25 different players will play the same game, during a maximum period of two days. For more information see the solitaire games.


  • Remember that the pieces move by dragging them, and they may be rotated 90º with a short click.
  • Start from the corners: If the piece is well placed it will be fixed in such a way that it can no longer be moved.
  • Continue solving the puzzle by placing the pieces adjacent to those already fixed on the canvas.
Tipos de piezas de puzzle 1
Tipos de piezas de puzzle 3
Tipos de piezas de puzzle 4

Different shapes of jigsaw puzzle pieces

Jigsaw Puzzles

The best adaptation of Jigsaw Puzzles that you can find in the Internet.

To know more about the game Puzzle, you can …

… read the detailed puzzle game rules